Monday, November 14, 2011

"Show Me The Photos!"

I used Stupeflix to create a photo show about my trip to Egypt. As a future ESL teacher, I would use phto show tools such as Stupeflix to introduce particular content area topics to my students at the beginning of a new unit. Using a photo show for such a purpose is similar to doing a picture walk with students to familiarize them with what they will be learning in a particular lesson, day, or week. Photo shows allow teachers to provide their students with the comprehensible input necessary to develop complex concepts through language. Students can also use photo shows as a medium for creating presentations on particular topics as well. For example, students can use photo shows to create a presentation about an experiment that they conducted in Science class. On each slide, students can add a picture and corresponding text detailing each stage of their experiment according to the Scientific Method. These are just a few ways in which photo shows can be used in the classroom.

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

Your ideas for using these tools to introduce a lesson or for having students create presentations would both work well.